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Shipping & Returns
Shipping Policy
All orders are shipped from our warehouse via:
Standard Shipping Charges (7 to 14 business days)
US orders (no tracking): $9.25
Us orders (with tracking): $13
International Orders(no tracking): $12
international Orders(with tracking) $18
EXPRESS Shipping Charges (4 to 6 business days):
Canada Orders: $22
US Orders: $25
International Orders: $30
Return & Exchange Policy
45 Day Warranty
Goalie blok offers a ONE-TIME free replacement warranty for any damaged bloks from normal use inside 45 days of the original purchase date.
Please email us at with:
a picture of the blok
a copy of your receipt(printed) or Order #(
and a brief description of how the blok was damaged
Shipping Disclaimer
The shipping information provided above is an estimate based on the rates and delivery times provided by the respective shipping companies at the time this website was created. These costs and delivery times are subject to fluctuation based on various factors, including but not limited to shipping company policies, changes in fuel costs, seasonal fluctuations, and other unforeseen circumstances.
For any specific questions or if you require specialized delivery options such as overnight or two-day shipping, please feel free to contact us directly at We are more than happy to assist you and provide tailored shipping solutions to meet your requirements.
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